American Legion Baseball Program
The American Legion is a nonprofit 503c(19) military veteran organization. The national (all 50 states & Canada) American Legion baseball program was established in 1925. For detailed information about American Legion baseball please go online to www.legion.org/baseball. 2021 was the first time that the Dept. of GA Columbia County Post 192, Evans, GA, hosted American Legion baseball in the local community. As a direct result of Murphy Auto Group, Post 192 was able to start 2 American Legion baseball teams: Senior (19U) & Junior (17U.) 10 of the 18 Post 192 Senior (19U) baseball players received commitments to play college baseball. Local HS baseball players who played American Legion baseball for Post 192 now attend, Augusta University, Georgia State University, Francis Marion University, Erskine College, Montreat College, Covenant College, USC Aiken, USC Salkehatchie, & East Georgia State College. One of the Post 192 Stripers was awarded 2 baseball scholarships: – one from the American Legion Dept. of GA & another one from the national American Legion baseball committee. None of this would have been possible if companies such as Murphy Auto Group didn’t sponsor American Legion baseball in the local community.
In 2022, Post 192 Evans Stripers won the Dept. of GA state championship while wearing the uniform sponsored by Murphy Auto Group. The Post 192 Senior (19U) baseball team advanced to the Southeast (SE) Regional tournament against FL, SC, NC, KY, & TN. Also, Post 192 was able to add a 3rd team, 13-15U because of companies like Murphy Auto Group. American Legion baseball is not funded by the American Legion – it needs & depends upon support from the local community. Post 192 baseball players attend local HS from Sandersville, GA to Aiken, SC.
American Legion baseball related expenses include field rental, umpire fees, uniforms, baseballs & equipment, transportation, food, & lodging. Post 192 is scheduled to travel to Post 17, Camden, SC (won the 2022 SE Regional) & Post 70, Troy, AL (won the 2022 American Legion World Series.) Donations of $100> are tax deductible. Make checks payable to American Legion Post 192 (add “baseball” to the memo lime. Checks can be mailed to American Legion Post 192, 275 Legion Drive, Evans, GA 30809.